Bringing Up Mama


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In this week’s episode, motherhood wellness expert Alyson Hempsey and women’s health expert and pelvic floor physical therapist Dr. Marcy Crouch are discussing Alyson’s reaction to reading the book, “Bringing up Bebe” by Pamela Druckerman and the differences between American and French parenting styles.

According to the book, one of the main takeaways is that children (in France) exist in the parent’s world, as opposed to the parents' world revolving around the kids.

Alyson and Marcy discuss how this relates to American moms, the childcare crisis we find ourselves in, and the loss of identity many American mothers face after giving birth.

Listen up, mamas. Want to know the best parenting method out there? It’s called the “You do you, boo,” method of parenting. You’re welcome.

Be sure to join us every Wednesday for new episodes of No Mama Left Behind. We share a variety of topics related to motherhood, pregnancy, the postpartum period, recovery, mental health, vaginas, and everything in between!


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